Yarrgh, ye scurvy dog!
Pirate booty! Pirate merchandise for sale

Wee Pirate Skull - Adults Women's Hoodie

On February 19, 2010, regular scallywag Math Teacher! said:
What did the ocean say to the pirate Captain?
Nothing, it just waved!!!
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Arrr, ye've already voted - vote again and ye'll sleep with Davy Jones!
From: Pirate's Cove Lore Galore Volume 4 Issue 1
On February 10, 2010, the dreaded James Craven said:
What do pirates say before they fight?
"Let's get ready to RUM-ble!"
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Arrr, ye've already voted - vote again and ye'll sleep with Davy Jones!
From: SportsNation at ESPN
On November 18, 2009, the sea-bitten James Craven said:
What's a pirate's favorite golf shot?
The Hook! Right into the water.
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From: Made it all up...
On October 5, 2009, the sea-bitten Tim M said:
Why did the pirate swing at the 3-0 pitch?
He didn't want to walk... the plank.
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Arrr, ye've already voted - vote again and ye'll sleep with Davy Jones!
From: Baseball
On October 5, 2009, one-eyed Tim M said:
Why did the baseball coach put the pirate in Center Field?
'Cause he had a cannon!! Arrrgh!
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Arrr, ye've already voted - vote again and ye'll sleep with Davy Jones!
From: Baseball