- These be jokes 6 - 10 of 114 scurvy jokes!
On October 2, 2012, the sea-bitten Anonymous Pirate said:
What did the pirate say when he lost his socks?
Where ARRR my socks?
From: Patrick Henry High School |
On May 16, 2012, scurvy knave Robin Yardley said:
If you see a person Not wearing a 3 cornered hat, not wearing an eye patch, without a wooden leg and with no parrot on his shoulder. What is he likely to be ?
A pirate in disguise!
From: Its a "Dad joke"...It came to me whilst talking to my daughter about Intrenational Talk Like a Pirate day |
On April 24, 2012, salty ol' Richie said:
In Battleship, why do pirates always lose?
Their ships are always on the "C"s!
From: A brain in a Jarrrrr. |
On October 28, 2011, chumbucket lickin' Blackbeards Beard said:
Tell me mateys, what is a pirates favorite method of travel?
You might think its a pirate ship, but indeed, its a FERARRRRRRRRRRRRRI!!!
From: my own |
On June 10, 2011, one-legged Captain Rita Book--Mistress of the C'hai Seas said:
What do Jewish Pirates say?
Ahoy vey!