Yarrgh, ye scurvy dog!
Pirate booty! Pirate merchandise for sale

ARRRRtichoke White T

On October 28, 2011, the dreaded Blackbeards Beard said:
Tell me mateys, what is a pirates favorite method of travel?
You might think its a pirate ship, but indeed, its a FERARRRRRRRRRRRRRI!!!
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From: my own
On September 22, 2011, the grog-addicted Mark T Verbon said:
Why don't Pirates use the metric system?
Because they like to say YARRRRRRRRRD!
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Arrr, ye've already voted - vote again and ye'll sleep with Davy Jones!
From: I made it up
On September 19, 2011, the grog-addicted Frank said:
Pirates get a bad rep. They're not all bad.
Granted, they're not saints, but many have been cannonized!!
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From: Self
On September 19, 2011, the grog-addicted Lizzy G. said:
What does a pirate order in a fancy restaurant?
The tuna tartaarrrrr!!
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From: me brain
On September 19, 2011, seven sea sailin' Jason Rrrrr Everitt said:
Who cleans the Pirate Captain's bedroom?
A Mer-Maid!
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From: Yep, it's me