Avast, it be Talk Like A Pirate Day in 2016!
Posted by Captain Karikas on September 19, 2016 at 02:56 AMAhoy matey, and another happy Talk Like a Pirate Day to ye! We've swabbed the deck with some new pirate jokes, full of AYE-Phones and Uberrrrrrrrrs, yarrrgh!
I'd like to share with ye scurvy knaves some treasure your captain produced this year to mark Talk Like a Pirate Day. It be a virtual reality walk through on a pirate island. It's best viewed in Google CARRRRRRRRDboarrrd, yar har har!!! Be sure to drag the video arrrrrrrrrrround!
Enjoy the jokes within mateys. Until next year, fair winds and yo ho!
4 responses to "Avast, it be Talk Like A Pirate Day in 2016!"
On November 23, 2016 at 05:32 AM, Tina spoketh:
thank you
On December 17, 2018 at 06:57 PM, Donkey spoketh:
Videogamedunkey had given at least one person worth of traffic to this website today. That shall be his crowning achievement
On June 10, 2019 at 03:05 PM, piratelover spoketh:
please come back
On September 19, 2019 at 05:31 AM, david bosell spoketh:
Q: Why aren't kids allowed to watch pirate movies?
A: Because they're rated Arrrrr
A: Because they're rated Arrrrr