Yarrgh, ye scurvy dog!
Pirate booty! Pirate merchandise for sale

ARRRRtichoke Women's Cap Sleeve T-Shirt

On October 13, 2006, one-legged Bruin said:
How did the pirate feel after drinking rum all night?
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From: Me
On October 6, 2006, salty ol' Anonymous said:
What did the captain say to the crew on his 80th birthday?
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From: Saturday Night Bowling
On October 6, 2006, captain Davy Jones said:
What kind of laundry detergent do pirates like best?
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From: I actually came up with that one myself!
On October 5, 2006, the dreaded Capt' Bozo said:
Why don't pirates play sports?
There is no AYE in team!
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From: Morning coffee
On October 2, 2006, the sea-bitten Bruin said:
How many pirates does it take to change a light bulb?
Four. One to change the light bulb, and two to resuscitate the forth pirate who got his hook caught in the socket!
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From: me brain