Yarrgh, ye scurvy dog!
Pirate booty! Pirate merchandise for sale

ARRRRtichoke Tote Bag

On November 21, 2006, the dreaded Landen Flanders said:
A pirate had a parrot that wouldn't stop swearing. He tried everything. Finally one day, when the parrot started swearing, he threw it into the freezer and left it there for over an hour.

Finally, the pirate retrieved his parrot from the freezer. The parrot came out, shaken, and said "I promise, I'll be good from now on. But, I have just one question... What did the turkey do?????"
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On September 20, 2006, chumbucket lickin' Suryakant said:
A pirate walks into a bar. It's a strange looking pirate. The bartender asks him,

"Hey, what's with the green skin and pointy ears?"

The pirate says...
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On September 19, 2006, one-eyed Bryce said:
A pirate was standing on the crow's nest and then he slipped and fell. He fell through the first floor, then he fell through the second floor, then he fell through the third floor and hit the bottom floor of the ship!

The first mate comes up to him and asks "Are ye all right matey?"

The pirate replies, "Arrr, yes... I've been through hardship before!"
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Arrr, ye've already voted - vote again and ye'll sleep with Davy Jones!
From: I made it up
On September 18, 2006, one-eyed Mr. T said:
After a particuliarly long fight at sea the winning captain comes ashore to find a large crew of media. The reporters fight to ask questions before the Captain finally singles out one attractive, young reporter, who asks: "Captain, Where did you learn such amazing tactics? was it the Navy?"

The Captain, obviously amused replied:
"Well it sure wasn't the ARRRRRmy!"
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From: A BA in bad humorology
On July 2, 2006, one-eyed Anis Abuzeid said:
On a scale from 1-10 I rate cherry pie an 11!

That's my famous "pie rate" joke!
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From: The infamous "Blue Q"