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Holiday Pirating!

Posted by Captain Karikas on November 23, 2007 at 02:45 PM

Arrrgh, ahoy ye scurvy barnacle swabs! Just in time for the holidays, save some booty on me booty with this coupon! For any looting ye do in the store, save $15 off a $50+ purchase with the coupon code FRFAM2007! That's right, save ye' some booty! My generosity ends on November 28, so hurry!

Halloween was a blast, photos up soon. While this is a slow time for pirating events (many pirates find their waters frozen this time of year), 'tis a great time to do some piratical holiday shopping! Here are some of the captain's picks for this year:

Here be some piratical deals ye missed out on, matey. They be sold out, perhaps ye can find a map to where I've buried them in the Caribbean's most desolate islands? Happy pirating, yarrrgh!
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1 response to "Holiday Pirating!"

On February 03, 2008 at 02:13 PM, tigger spoketh:

Leave Ye a Comment?

What be ye Name?
What be ye E-mail?
Pirate code states we won't publish yer e-mail, matey.
Speak yer mind!
Sorry, no links or html allowed due to scurvy spammers!

What be a pirate's favorite letter?
Aye, really!

Past Blarrrgs!