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Arrrggghhh ye ready for Talk Like A Pirate Day?

Posted by Captain Karikas on September 10, 2008 at 12:49 AM

Shiver me timbers and swab the poop deck! It's almost Talk Like A Pirate Day! Get yer eyepatch ready and remember... the best ARRrggghhhs come from the back of th' throat!

If yer sailing around the Seattle area, there be outdoor pirate movies each Thursday night leading up to our sacred holiday! Right down in Pioneer Squarrrrrree!

A pirate passer-by sent over this treasure, and it makes this salty ol' captain go har, har, harrrgggghh!

(Catch it here too, matey!)
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2 responses to "Arrrggghhh ye ready for Talk Like A Pirate Day?"

On September 13, 2008 at 11:30 PM, JT Wright spoketh:
where can a pirate get a drink with other pirates in chicago. What Bahrrrr can a pirate mingle with other pirates in chi town
On September 18, 2008 at 12:31 PM, Captain Rickie spoketh:
Friday Sept 19 we be celebratin' "Talk like a Pirate Day"

Ye can participate or keel haul th' plank.

Portland Pirate festival be this weekend too.

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