Yarrgh, ye scurvy dog!
Pirate booty! Pirate merchandise for sale

Wee Pirate Skull - Kids! Infant Bodysuit

On September 15, 2007, regular scallywag Marc Whitcombe said:
A pirate captain goes up to his first mate after a raid on a coastal village;
"A good haul I hope" says the captain.
"I'm afraid not captain," replied the first mate. "I think we picked a poor village to raid," he continued.
"What!" exclaimed the captain, "How much money did you get?"
"All we found were a few copper coins," replied the first mate.
"Did you try the church? Did they have any fine tapestries or Holy treasures?" asked the Captain.
"All we got was a wooden alter," replied the first mate.
"What about the farms?" asked the captain. "Did they have any animals we can eat, or sell at market?"
"One donkey" replied the first mate.
"One donkey!" exclaimed the Captain.
"Aaaargh" replied the first mate, and he continued .................
(Wait for it)
"It was the only bray in the pillage."
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From: Wrote it for a review of a pirate related ride on my own website.
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