- These be jokes 46 - 50 of 698 scurvy jokes!
On April 28, 2011, one-legged Black Bearded Betty said:
What is a pirate's choice of sweater?
A CARRRH-digan!
On April 26, 2011, regular scallywag sherry houle said:
What did the pirate say about his own joke?
ARRRrrre jokes ARRRre betterrrrr!!!
From: winnipeg |
On April 10, 2011, the most piratical Wayne said:
What is a Pirate's favorite former nation?
From: Me |
On February 15, 2011, seven sea sailin' mad john flint said:
Why is the Jolly Roger grinning?
Because they crossed his funny bones! Arrgh!
From: My own head |
On February 3, 2011, salty ol' pap chmeer said:
What is a pirate minus a ship?
A creative homless guy!!
From: me head |